Agar is made of seaweed, Tengusa and not gelatins. It is available in different forms: bars, flaked or powdered.
This web site explains that agar-agar contains various minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium, so it is good for our health. Moreover, agar-agar contains 81% of dietary fiber, so if you have agar-agar before your meal, you can feel of fullness without overeating! Fortunately, agar-agar doesn't have very calories! Click on here.
Next, this web site indicates that agar-agar diet loser weight than conventional diet due to the maintenance of reduced calorie intake and to an improvement in metabolic parameters. In experimentation, it was made clear and evaluated. Click on here.
The picture is one of agar’s dishes, a milk-agar of strawberry. In this web site, there are many dishes using agar. Every dish looks tasty!
This web site explains that agar-agar contains various minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium, so it is good for our health. Moreover, agar-agar contains 81% of dietary fiber, so if you have agar-agar before your meal, you can feel of fullness without overeating! Fortunately, agar-agar doesn't have very calories! Click on here.
Next, this web site indicates that agar-agar diet loser weight than conventional diet due to the maintenance of reduced calorie intake and to an improvement in metabolic parameters. In experimentation, it was made clear and evaluated. Click on here.
The picture is one of agar’s dishes, a milk-agar of strawberry. In this web site, there are many dishes using agar. Every dish looks tasty!
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